Igor Santos, Developer in Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Igor is available for hire
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Igor Santos

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Toptal Member Since
February 15, 2016

Igor is a web developer focused on modern PHP and JS, always striving for new technologies. When he wears his back-end hat, he's focused on performant and DRY code, working on API servers or consumers. When he gets his front-end hat on, he works heavily on maintaining the best UX he can make for his users.



Preferred Environment

JetBrains, Command-line Interface (CLI), Git, Linux

The most amazing...

...website I've built was Sugar Loaf's. A great challenge with awesome results for an awesome place.

Work Experience

PHP Developer

2018 - PRESENT
eHungry (via Toptal)
  • Implemented new features and fixes on a high-traffic portal.
  • Updated pre-2010 code to improve maintainability on the long term.
  • Moved forward with modern team approaches, such as GitHub tasks, projects, and code reviews.
Technologies: PHP

Lead Python Developer

2017 - 2018
Radix - Bondinho do Pão de Açúcar
  • Led project development together with an intern and a seasoned designer.
  • Structured the Django project starting from HTML layouts the designer had been working on (based on layouts from an external company).
  • Contributed to meetings with the stakeholders, presenting the project and discussing their concerns.
Technologies: Docker, PostgreSQL, Django, Python

React Developer

2017 - 2017
  • Created a full system from layout PDFs using React and Redux entirely on my own.
  • Worked through complex math equations using JavaScript and Redux.
  • Used heavy unit testing with Redux and pure functions to ensure calculations matched company samples.
  • Integrated automatic deployment using GitHub pages for testing purposes.
Technologies: CSS3, Redux, React

PHP/API Developer

2016 - 2017
Smith & Carson (via Toptal)
  • Implemented a job queueing library using databases for Phalcon, for low throughput but long running jobs, released as open-source code.
  • Revamped the PDF reporting feature, with a modular approach and cleaner API, allowing for expansion with new reports as needed.
  • Integrated the new ProsperWorks CRM into the existing company systems, with a clean API client and webhooks consumer.
  • Helped to upgrade an open-source, Phalcon-based API library.
  • Upgraded the application from Phalcon 2 and PHP 5.6 to Phalcon 3 and PHP 7.
  • Provided continuous review of the huge application codebase to keep it updated with the best market standards.
  • Helped to maintain a legacy CodeIgniter application, while migrating some features into the new one.
Technologies: PhalconPHP, PHP 7, PHP 5, Docker, REST APIs, RESTful Development

React Developer

2016 - 2016
KORD Electrical (via Toptal)
  • Developed a complex scrollable application with many different accounting calculations, given the designer prototypes.
  • Implemented a React+Redux application following the smart/dumb components pattern.
  • Integrated a material design library into the project to have a clean interface for the MVP.
  • Organized Docker containers to compile the application and run the PHP API (API not in use anymore).
  • Advised the non-technical founder on startup steps (what to build, MVP scope, how to launch, how to investigate the market, etc.).
Technologies: Material Design, Docker, Redux, React

Analyst Developer

2013 - 2015
  • Developed and maintained white-label products, focused on credit card services, through internal web services.
  • Created internal structure for new projects, relying in flexible technology choices to accommodate the different API styles the team had to work with.
  • Created internal command-line systems to streamline and make it easier to locally install projects and enable deployment.
  • Advocated usage of best practices on REST APIs whenever possible throughout other teams in the company.
  • Organized a central repository to be used by the several team projects, so internal libraries could be easily shared and controlled, according to version constraints.
Technologies: SOAP, RESTful Web Services, OWASP, jQuery, Symfony, PHP

Ruby (Padrino) Developer

2010 - 2014
Sameach Vedações
  • Redesigned the entire website with responsiveness in mind (it was built in 2010).
  • Reorganized the information architecture to better suit what the owners had in mind.
  • Re-implemented PayPal checkout from the ground with the newer APIs.
  • Refactored a lot of inner code to make maintenance easier in the future.
  • Organized tasks through Codebase and reported progress to the client every two weeks (via email, as requested).
Technologies: MoIP, PayPal, Bulma, CSS3, Padrino, Ruby

Speaker @ PHPeste: RESTful Best Practices

I was invited to speak at PHPeste, the biggest PHP conference from the northern part of Brazil, after a successful CFP submission. My talk was about RESTful do's and dont's, best practices, and tool suggestions to create APIs; I spoke to around 200 people (280 in total at the event).

I was also invited to translate questions for Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP creator.

Geru - Debt Calculator

This was a standalone React project I built. It involved heavy math calculations and featured a series of unit tests to make sure all numbers were crunched correctly, given the company samples.

The original product is now offline, so the link leads to a PR release.

Sameach Vedações - Responsive Redesign

This was an old "product.. display" website that needed a layout revamp. They were advertising online and were receiving a lot of mobile access, so I had to redesign their site with responsiveness in mind.

Konato - Events Directory

An event directory focused on students and professionals alike, searching for talks, congresses and similar activities to boost their curriculum.

Sole developer, building everything from the database to the front- and back-ends, using PHP7, Laravel 5, PostgreSQL, Docker, and Heroku.

It is open-sourced at http://github.com/konato-events/web

Calories - Sample React Project

This was a sample app I created to study and display some React and REST skills. It was based on a friend's ideas, and consists of a small web app to log food calories and control your daily intake - there's also an admin role where someone can alter users. The API explorer is easy to use and enables developers to test the RESTful API methods directly from the documentation page.


PHP, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Less, Sass, CSS3, HTML5, PHP 5, PHP 7, Ruby, Python


Eloquent, PhalconPHP, React Native, YARN, Redux, Bootstrap 3, Yii, Codeception, Laravel, Laravel 5, Symfony, Bulma, Django, Padrino, Sinatra, Symfony 2


REST APIs, React, ProsperWorks CRM API, jQuery, jQuery Validation, ActiveRecord, jQuery UI, Auth0 API, PayPal API, GitHub API, jQuery Mobile


Sculpin, Bitbucket, GitHub, NPM, Git, Subversion (SVN), CodebaseHQ, WebStorm, PhpStorm, Composer, JetBrains, RubyMine, NGINX, Apache


RESTful Development, Database Design, REST, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Functional Programming, UI Design


Embedded Software, User Experience (UX), Usability, API Testing, Restler, Command-line Interface (CLI), OWASP, RESTful Web Services, SOAP, Material Design, PayPal, HTML Email, Chrome Extensions, MoIP, Finance APIs


Docker, DeployHQ, Linux, Heroku


PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Memcached, NoSQL

2011 - 2015

Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems

Universidade Estácio de Sá - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2012 - 2013

Visiting Student as Part of My Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Dalhousie University - Halifax, Canada

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