Josef Toman,捷克共和国中波希米亚地区Dobřichovice开发者
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Josef Toman

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Toptal Member Since
March 31, 2021

Josef是一名技术娴熟的开发人员,拥有超过十年的专业经验, 强大的理论背景, 只要有足够的文档,就能快速学习任何东西, 从小就对编程充满热情. His recent endeavors mainly included creating automated data pipelines and tools leveraging the acquired data. 约瑟夫非常关心客户的实际需求,并有安全的眼光, long-term stability, and maintainability.


Freelance Clients
Vue, PHP, Python, NGINX, JavaScript, HTML, CSS,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Bash...
Perl, C, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, CouchDB, MySQL, MongoDB, Web抓取,Bash...




Preferred Environment

Linux, Vim文本编辑器,Slack, GitLab, Trello,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), PostgreSQL

The most amazing...

...我创建的是自动监控房地产报价的系统. It helped me find a home for my family, and I turned it into a profit-generating service.

Work Experience


2012 - PRESENT
Freelance Clients
  • Developed a successful prototype of an event-driven simulation to model drug prices in the European Union. 原型机与Google Sheets集成以满足最初的需求. 后来,它被用作进一步内部开发的基础.
  • Assisted a team of analysts in creating a set of complex research reports by developing a framework for coding simple modules ("chapters") and providing ongoing support whenever necessary.
  • Developed a front-end application for scheduling minute-by-minute factory production using streamlined drag-and-drop actions. Achieved real-time optimized reactions to dragging in an environment with various logical constraints.
  • 开发了一种接触面刮削工具. 输入是一组公司和他们的网站. 刮板应该浏览网站并收集管理联系信息.
Technologies: Vue, PHP, Python, NGINX, JavaScript, HTML, CSS,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Bash, Web Scraping, Git, Linux, Elasticsearch, GitLab, Automation, 面向对象编程(OOP), Sentry, Data Engineering, Data Modeling, Databases, ETL, ELT, AWS Lambda, 事件驱动的编程, APIs, Scraping, REST APIs, Data Extraction, Scripting, JSON, Data Scraping

Data Engineer

2017 - 2021
  • Developed a set of AWS Lambda functions containing web scrapers, ETL jobs, and reporting tools. These AWS Lambda functions were interconnected in a fully automated system that could deliver a report to a customer shortly after new data became available.
  • Designed an advanced full-text search model for Elasticsearch based on analyzing thousands of search queries. 改进的全文具有专门的特定于领域的功能, 极大地提升了用户的体验.
  • 设计和维护一个多模式的PostgreSQL数据库实例, 角色的等级制度, 以及所有用户的细粒度特权, including admins, developers, analysts, and automated processes.
  • Developed an automated service for scraping tables from PDF files using Amazon Textract. 该服务可与Google Sheet数据进行配置,并集成了Slack.
Technologies: 数据库设计、自动化、网页抓取、亚马逊网络服务(AWS), PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, Python, Bash, Scripting, Linux, Git, Data Engineering, ETL, REST APIs, Docker, Scraping, APIs, Data Modeling, AWS Lambda, SQL, GitLab, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Terraform, JSON, Data Scraping

Lead Back-end Developer

2012 - 2017
  • Led the redesign of a complex Elasticsearch data model with millions of documents resulting in a 10x-100x speed increase while using 30%-50% of original resources.
  • 为初级开发人员开发网页抓取方法和指导方针.
  • Created a system autonomously discovering Facebook profiles/pages within selected countries, 评估其影响, 并有效地阅读发布的帖子和评论.
  • 增加了每日获取文件(文章)的数量, blog posts, comments, chat messages, 等等)从几万到一百多万.
Technologies: Perl, C, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, CouchDB, MySQL, MongoDB, Web抓取,Bash, Git, Automation, Linux, NGINX, Database Design, 面向对象编程(OOP), Data Engineering, Data Modeling, Databases, ETL, 事件驱动的编程, APIs, Scraping, REST APIs, Data Extraction, Scripting, Data Science, JSON, Data Scraping

Technical Specialist

2010 - 2012
  • Improved the visualization of a single dependency parse tree and created a new visualization showing related and interlinked parse trees alongside each other with a configurable layout.
  • Built two types of in-browser visualization of language corpora using pure HTML5: one automatically aligned audio recordings with multiple manual transcriptions and the second interactively linked related parse trees with tree nodes and source text.
  • Created automated processes to release several language corpora: data acquisition from multiple Git repositories, 技术作者模板, 一个静态网站建设本地化为两种语言, and data transformation.
Technologies: Perl, Bash, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Linux, Data Engineering, ETL, Data Extraction, Scripting, JSON

Full-stack Developer

2009 - 2010
  • 为一个虚拟主机提供商开发了一个新的控制面板, 包括域名注册和续订, mail server management, database provisioning, and invoicing.
  • Built a pluggable submodule of a generalized in-house framework that provided a hierarchical catalog.
  • 对重要客户端的应用进行安全审计, 识别许多安全问题.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Database Design, 面向对象编程(OOP), Databases, APIs, Scripting, JSON

Technical Specialist

2006 - 2009
  • 对语料库开发过程中的数据进行管理.
  • Developed tools to simplify and quicken the annotation process using automation where possible.
  • Built a tool to measure the amount of work of diverse team members in a given month by computing differences in dependency parse trees committed into the project's Git repository.
  • 开发了注释工具的扩展, providing the annotator with dozens of structural checks to improve the quality and consistency of the submitted data.
Technologies: Perl, Bash, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Linux, Data Engineering, ETL, Data Extraction, Scripting, Data Science, JSON


A team of skilled analysts with basic programming skills wanted to streamline and automate the composition of many reports (multiple variations, 多种语言),从长期收集的数据. The main objective was to design a system allowing the team to do as much work as possible by themselves.

I designed and implemented a framework that provides core features and allows the team to write auto-discoverable "plug-ins" (chapters, slides, QA checks). 从那以后,我一直在必要的时候提供支持.

Core Features:
• CLI scripts
• Methods for simple creation of charts and tables carefully tailored to fit the data and required use-cases

Key Characteristics:
• Attention to detail—every single data field must be loaded and interpreted correctly or fixed upon discovery of an error



A Vue application for daily pre-computed production plan reviews, allowing ad-hoc manual changes.

Distinctive Features:
• A configurable mocked API to enable a full-featured experience before the actual API is implemented (random data are generated on-the-fly)

• UX contributions
• Design based on the company's visual identity standards and consultation with a pro designer


As a consultant, I developed the initial stages of an event-driven simulation to model drug prices in the European Union (EU). 欧盟药品市场是一个受到严格监管的复杂系统, 每个国家都有自己的药品价格法规, 经常使用其他国家的价格作为参考. 这个模拟的目的是模拟未来的药品价格, given a starting point, and allow users to create events in the future to see their influence on the entire system of drug prices in the EU.

The simulation was developed using Python and leveraged the Google Sheets API to input and output data. This allowed for seamless integration with existing spreadsheets and easy collaboration with stakeholders.

My client successfully used the prototype to fulfill the needs of consulting tasks for initial clients, 准时并令人满意. 后来,原型被用作进一步内部开发的基础.



Project Deliverables:
1. A public presentation of the company and its branches and a reservation system for customers
2. An application for the technical staff designed for touch screens (tablets) providing:
•一步一步指导员工完成每个服务案例, 包括短信通知和发票


Python, SQL, Perl, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bash, C


Database Design, ETL, Automation, 面向对象编程(OOP), 事件驱动的编程, Data Science


AWS Lambda、Linux、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、Docker


PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, MySQL, JSON, CouchDB, SQLite, MongoDB, Databases, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon DynamoDB


Web Scraping, APIs, Scraping, Data Extraction, Scripting, Data Scraping, Data Engineering, Data Modeling, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structures, Discrete Mathematics, Calculus, Probability Theory, Linear Algebra, 自然语言处理(NLP), ELT, GPT, Statistics, Amazon RDS


REST api, Vue, Pandas, Matplotlib, Vuex, jQuery


Slack, GitLab, Git, Vim Text Editor, Trello, NGINX, Stylus, Sentry, Google Docs, Terraform

2007 - 2009



2004 - 2007




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