Oleg Filimonov, Developer in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Oleg Filimonov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Toptal Member Since
November 6, 2017

Oleg is an expert in native Android development. In his career, he's covered every aspect of creating an Android application: from UI/UX design to development, testing, publishing, and support. Most importantly, Oleg is passionate and loves his job. Oleg is always available online and has great communication skills.


Android, Firebase, React, Git, React Native, iOS, Mobile, Mobile Development...
Android, Firebase, Git, React Native, iOS, Mobile, Mobile Development...
Android, Firebase, Git, UI Design, Android Development, Java, Mobile...




Preferred Environment

Git, Slack, Jira, Android Studio, WebStorm

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on was the massively popular Ownage Pranks app: it had over 100,000 unique users in the first month.

Work Experience

Software Architect | Team Lead

2018 - PRESENT
  • Supported the development of multiple React Native applications.
  • Created native UI components for React Native applications.
  • Created native modules for React Native applications.
Technologies: Android, Firebase, React, Git, React Native, iOS, Mobile, Mobile Development, REST APIs, TypeScript, APIs, Redux Thunk, Jest, Figma, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), JavaScript

Mobile Software Developer

2017 - 2018
  • Built native Android modules for React Native applications.
  • Created a framework for React Native applications.
  • Supported the development of multiple React Native applications.
Technologies: Android, Firebase, Git, React Native, iOS, Mobile, Mobile Development, REST APIs, APIs, TypeScript, Jest, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), JavaScript

Android Developer

2017 - 2018
  • Created an Android application called Frevia. It is an online multiplayer trivia game.
  • Built fully custom animated UI components. Helped with UI/UX design of the application.
  • Developed an Android module for handling video playback on multiple texture surfaces.
  • Handled the publication of the application to the Google Play Store and helped with ad campaigns.
Technologies: Android, Firebase, Git, UI Design, Android Development, Java, Mobile, Mobile Development, REST APIs, APIs

Android Developer

2017 - 2017
Ownage Labs
  • Created an Android application called Ownage Pranks which allows the user to make automated anonymous prank calls.
  • Fixed issues related to large user traffic.
  • Improved the performance and stability on devices with a slow internet connection.
Technologies: Android, Firebase, Git, Android Development, Java, Mobile, Mobile Development, REST APIs, APIs

Lead Android Developer

2017 - 2017
After Class
  • Created an Android application called Three Min Passion: it's a service that provides video lessons with interactive elements.
  • Built a module for dynamically creating an Android layout with support for images, videos, text, and support for animation of the elements.
  • Supported the app after the publication.
  • Built a JavaScript module for displaying a force-directed graph of content and connected it to the Android SDK.
  • Led a small team of Android developers to provide additional features and support for the app.
Technologies: Android, Git, JavaScript, Android Development, Java, Mobile, Mobile Development, REST APIs, APIs

Android Developer

2016 - 2017
App Fiction GmbH
  • Created an Android application called Blanana: a social network that provides users with geo-location based local chat with support for image messages.
  • Worked on the UI and UX design.
  • Provided support after the publication of the app.
  • Integrated image content editing and verification.
Technologies: Android, Git, UX Design, UI Design, Android Development, Java, Mobile, Mobile Development, REST APIs, APIs

Android Developer

2015 - 2017
  • Researched and created an algorithm for mapping custom rectangular maps onto a Mercator projection.
  • Created an SDK for displaying custom-tiled maps from PNGs, multi-level maps, multi-level positioning, and navigation; based on the Google Maps API.
  • Developed a Windows .NET application for slicing PNG maps into tiles with different levels of detail; based on ImageMagick.
  • Created an Android application called Tuyap that uses the custom SDK. The features include dynamic theme switching and large dataset management.
Technologies: Android, Git, C#, Android Development, SDK Development, Java, Mobile, Mobile Development, REST APIs, APIs

Ownage Pranks Real Prank Call

An app for creating automated anonymous prank calls from your phone.

Three Min Passion

A collection of video lessons with interactive elements aimed mainly to learn English language.

Sleep Time

A simple app that helps users to calculate how much to sleep according to sleep-cycle-related research.

Color Match

A cross-platform puzzle Android game made with LibGDX written in Java.

Poker Hands

A simple app that displays a list of poker combinations and a little recognition game to help remember them.


An app that offers access to all information related to trade fairs, including indoor navigation with turn-by-turn multi-floor navigation, time-based events, eCommerce, dynamic theming, and much more.


A geolocation-based social network that provides an option to chat with nearby users. Includes features such as profile customization, image and GIF message support, the automatic refresh of the feed, and the comment feed.


The app with a search bar that queries the GIPHY API and shows previews of GIFs. You can click on the items to watch the full video of the GIF. You can also rate the items that will be stored locally.

The app was built with clean architecture, the repository pattern, the MVP pattern, RxJava, Dagger, and Retrolambda.

To run the app, open the link—github.com/OlegFilimonov/gifer—in Android Studio 2.3+ and install the Lombok plugin.
2017 - 2019

Master of Science Degree in Computer Science

Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University - Saint Petersburg, Russia

2013 - 2017

Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science

Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University - Saint Petersburg, Russia


Java, TypeScript, JavaScript, C#


React Native, Dagger 2, Redux, Flutter, Dagger, Jest


React, Retrofit 2, RxJava 2, REST APIs, Node.js, Firebase Android SDK, RxJava


Trello, Git, WebStorm, Android Studio, Figma, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Microsoft Visual Studio, Slack, Jira, YouTrack, Redux Thunk, Adobe Photoshop


Unit Testing, Clean Architecture, Mobile Development, Model View Presenter (MVP), Agile, Reactive Programming, UI Design, UX Design, E2E Testing


Android, Firebase, Mobile, Amazon Web Services (AWS), iOS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


APIs, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), SDK Development, Android Development, Animated GIFs, Retrolambda



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